ATTENTION LEAF PEEPERS....LAST CHANCE.... Come watch Vermont's Green Mountains transform as Mother Nature works her artistry coloring the mountainsides with brilliant oranges, reds and yellows mixed between the evergreen pine trees. ATA is open till October 12th for those leaf peepers seeking to experience the fall foliage.
Appalachian Trail Adventures (ATA) offers a distinctive adventure vacation with guided daily hiking, kayaking, and caving in the Green Mountains of Vermont that targets families and individuals who are adventurers, families, and those seeking an active vacation, including hikers who do not feel comfortable hitting the trails alone.
ATA provides an affordable all-inclusive hiking or fitness vacation giving a real Vermont outdoor adventure. That's why it has the best hiking vacation at the lowest possible prices, starting at $232.00 per night, per person, including taxes and gratuities. Unlike most spas, ATA's owner John Keough is engaged daily with the guests, encouraging them on the trail and kayaking.
ATA offers a variety of options to help customize one's vacation. The most common is the Hiking Vacation that consists of an air-conditioned room with three daily spa meals, snacks, a guided novice, intermediate or advanced hike and an afternoon of kayaking, an excursion or caving. Massages, yoga classes and tennis lessons are available a la carte.
2015 Hiking Vacation Rates
Nightly rates are per person, including taxes and gratuity. The Hiking Vacation consists of an air conditioned room at the Summit Lodge with three daily spa meals; snacks; guided novice, intermediate or advanced hike; and an afternoon of kayaking, caving or an excursion. Massages ($75.00+), yoga classes ($30.00), tennis lessons ($70.00) are available a la carte.
Occupancy Double
1-2 NIGHTS $270.00 $245.00
3-6 NIGHTS $265.00 $241.00
7+ NIGHTS $259.00 $232.00
Aeolus the beagle update:
Aeolus the beagle seems to be slowing down, it's been a long season so it's understandable. Instead of running around at the apple or lunch breaks he will lie down and rest. Even in the van rides sometimes he would find a spot on floor and just nap on the drive back. Somedays I felt like joining him, hehe. Aeolus sure likes to play in any body of water; puddle, pond, river, brook or mud hole. I think the beagle is confused and believes he's a water dog. He also seems to love rolling in any dirt or mud he can find. Let's just say he's had a record number of baths this hiking season. One day on drive back to the lodge Aeolus had his head out the window and accident his paw hit the window up button. We had squealing beagle for a few seconds until the window was put down. He was all right with not even a mark and of course no one laughed at him. After a quick "hike" down Killington Peak later that night the poor little puppy couldn't jump up on the sofa and was favoring one leg. So we had to put him on injured reserve for a couple days to rest. It seemed to help but he needed to rest again after a couple days of hiking. I am hoping this week he will do better and won't need to stay home alone.
Aeolus is named after a cave where myself and a friend dug open a blocked passage discovering the largest cave in New England back in 2000. The cave is located just north of Manchester, VT and named after the mountain, Mount Aeolus.
Aeolus or Eolus (Greek: Aiolos [jjolos]), was the Custodian of the winds in Greek mythology. A minor deity, he is the son of a king called Hippotes, and lived on one of the rocky Lipara islands, close to Sicily. In the caves on this island were imprisoned the winds, and Aeolus, directed by the higher gods, let out these winds as soft breezes, gales, or whatever the higher gods wished. Being visited by the Greek hero Odysseus, Aeolus received him favorably, and on the hero's departure presented Odysseus with a bag containing all the adverse winds, so that his friend might reach Ithaca with a fair wind. Odysseus did as Aeolus bid, but in sight of his homeland, having been untroubled by foul weather, he fell asleep and his men, curious, opened the bag, thus releasing all the fierce winds, which blew their ship far off course (Odyssey X, 2; Vigil I, 52).
Hiking Tip: Socks: How to Choose
Outdoor activities are tough on feet, so a pair of high-tech socks is your first line of defense for dry, comfortable and blister-free feet. While "technical socks" might sound funny, there's no denying the big improvement they make over your old all-cotton tube socks.
Socks by Activity: Socks are organized by intended activity. Each features subtle differences in construction:
Athletic or multisport socks: This broad category ranges from traditional white gym socks (updated with moisture-wicking fabrics) to technical socks intended for cross-training and running. Most provide some sole cushioning but have minimal bulk overall.
Running socks: These range from thin liner socks with very little padding to those with dense cushioning in the heel and ball of the foot. Some runners prefer less padding for a better fit in their shoes; others like more padding for added cushioning and reduced foot fatigue.
Walking socks: These offer cushioning and moisture-wicking properties for fitness walkers.
Casual socks: Though distinguished by their casual styling (colors, stripes, etc.), these lightweight socks, at least those found at REI, usually feature performance fabrics such as merino wool.
Lightweight hiking socks: These relatively thin socks provide a good fit for hikers with high-volume feet (i.e., feet that are wide or have a high instep). They wick away moisture and offer modest cushioning in the heel and ball of the foot. They are thinner, especially on the top, than midweight socks and can be worn with or without liner socks.
Midweight backpacking socks: Their additional thickness gives a good fit to hikers with low-volume feet (i.e., feet that are narrow or have a low instep). They offer more padding in the heel and ball of the foot than do lightweight hiking socks, plus cushioning on the top of the foot and leg for comfort on long trails. They can be worn with or without liner socks.
Mountaineering socks: These heavyweight socks are your thickest option, with extra bulk and padding for cold, rugged conditions.
Ski and snowboard socks: These are padded in the shin area and usually underfoot as well. Otherwise, they are thin and not intended to provide significant warmth; rather they are meant to protect your feet from pressure points and rubbing inside the boots. Their design also serves to not interfere with the energy needed to make quick turns.
ATA's Dvd Recommendation: Tibet: Who Killed the Electric Car?
Amid a volatile climate of ever-changing gas prices, this documentary delves into the short life of the GM EV1 electric car -- a fuel-efficient auto that was once all the rage in the mid-1990s and now has fallen by the roadside. 2006 PG 91 mins
Healthful Living Tips: Smart Snacks
Most healthy eating plans allow for one or two small snacks a day. Choosing most fruits and vegetables will allow you to eat a snack with only 100 calories.
About 100 Calories or Less:
a medium-size apple (72 calories)
a medium-size banana (105 calories)
1 cup steamed green beans (44 calories)
1 cup blueberries (83 calories)
1 cup grapes (100 calories)
1 cup carrots (45 calories), broccoli (30 calories), or bell peppers (30 calories) with 2 tbsp. hummus (46 calories)
Instead of a high-calorie snack from a vending machine, bring some cut-up vegetables or fruit from home. One snack-sized bag of corn chips (1 ounce) has the same number of calories as a small apple, 1 cup of whole strawberries, AND 1 cup of carrots with 1/4 cup of low-calorie dip. Substitute one or two of these options for the chips, and you will have a satisfying snack with fewer calories.
Healthful Living Recipe: Spaghetti Frittata
Leftover spaghetti? Try mixing it with eggs for an Italian omelet. Makes: 6 servings, Active Time: 25 minutes, Total Time: 35 minutes
• 8 ounces spaghetti, (or 4 cups cooked spaghetti)
• 4 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
• 3 onions, chopped
• 2 large eggs
• 2 large egg whites
• 1/2 cup skim milk
• 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
• 1 tomato, diced (optional)
Cook spaghetti in a large pot of boiling salted water until tender but firm. Drain and refresh with cold water.
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until golden, 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer the onions to a small bowl and let cool slightly. Wipe out the pan.
Whisk together eggs, egg whites and milk in a large bowl. Stir in the onions, Parmesan, parsley, basil, salt and pepper. Add the spaghetti.
Spray the pan well with nonstick cooking spray and place over medium heat. Pour in the egg mixture and distribute evenly in the pan. Cook until the underside is golden, moving the pan around on the burner to ensure even cooking, about 6 minutes. Invert a large platter over the skillet, grasp the platter and skillet with oven mitts and carefully turn over. Lift off the skillet and spray it again with nonstick cooking spray. Slide the frittata back into the skillet and cook until the bottom is golden. Slide the frittata onto a platter. Garnish with tomatoes if using.
Per serving: 178 calories; 7 g fat (2 g sat, 4 g mono); 75 mg cholesterol; 21 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 9 g protein; 2 g fiber; 516 mg sodium; 216 mg potassium.
Carbohydrate Servings: 2
Exchanges: 1 starch, 1 fat